After 6+ years studying at The School of American Ballet in New York City, Morgan moved back to her adopted home of Raleigh, North Carolina, to reestablish herself outside the dance world. Struggling to find a creative outlet, she began painting and discovered something that truly fit. She is largely inspired by music, after all, choreographing a ballet would be pointless without the music. Her dance training instilled the practice of listening to a piece of music and seeing choreography, and movement, similar to synesthesia. Synesthesia is when you experiencing one of your senses through another. Morgan aims to capture the energy and rhythm of the music that inspires her, keeping a very fluid and experimental approach to everything she creates.  Using a variety of materials and techniques, Morgan creates pieces that are both visually and emotionally engaging. Using art as a preferred language to communicate what can not be spoken, she hopes to invite viewers to feel, rather than simply envision. Through her art, Morgan seeks to convey the beauty and complexity of the human experience and believes in the power of art to communicate and connect with people profoundly.

Morgan is currently the resident artist at both Brew Coffee Bar locations and the Optimist Coffee Shops.

“See the music, hear the dance.”
George Balanchine